Update and two releases...

Hello everybody,
some of you might be noticed, that there were something new that I didn't published here. Sorry for that :)

In the past few days I released a new update for Favetris. I added a new game mode, called survival. This mode is similar to phase 2 of the normal game. You can change the gravity and decide in which direction the whole stones will fall. But the difficulty in this mode is, you've got only five turns, and then new stones will appear randomly on the field. And the number of it is increased everytime by one. So the end of the game is unevitable. The only thing you can do is to let as much stones as possible disappear to gain a higher score.

Beside this, I released two new games. The first one is called WordShuffle. It is less a game than more an instrument to play with. The real game are you playing with your friends. Invite them, give everybody a sheet of paper and everybody has to find as much words as possible. If you are not sure about a word, just tap on the letters and google it from within the game. You make the rules, for example how long a round would be or what the size of the field of letters is. Try it and play a game like our parents did it in the past, together with friends in real life on a table :)

The other game I released is Glow Code. It's inspired by the game minesweeper. you've got 25 stones with numbers from zero to four on it, surrounded by little lights on each corner of the stone. The number on the stones shows you how much lights, that are connected to the stone have to glow to solve the puzzle. The difficulty thing on this game is, the stones share the lights to each other. So one light can be connected up to four stones. That makes it easy to learn but hard to master. for the first rounds I would recommend you to put the optical hints on, so the stone will change it's color if the right number of lights are glowing. In later rounds, when you learned how the game works, put it off to increase the difficulty level.

I would be happy if I could get some feedback about the games, if you've got problems or hints for improvements. Just mail me: sg@izuware.com 

Thanks in advance and have fun trying the games :)

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